Friday, March 9, 2007

Constituent Bill of Rights

Available as a pdf file on Councilman Rosendahl's web site.

Councilman Rosendahl’s Constituent Bill of Rights

I. The right to prompt, professional and efficient service.

II. The right to be treated with dignity and respect by friendly, courteous and attentive City employees.

III. The right to ask questions and receive accurate and useful answers.

IV. The right to prompt return and follow-up calls concerning complaints or requests.

V. The right to be educated about the services provided by the City and how to obtain such services.

VI. The right to an inclusive and transparent process for community development, parks, and transportation decisions.

VII. The right of all constituents to meet with their councilmember at weekly “open office hours” in the district.

VIII. The right to advance notice and reports for all neighborhood projects and deliberations.

Want to comment about this or any other issue here is a list of contact information:

eMail Bill Rosendahl:

Westchester District Office
7166 W. Manchester Blvd.
Westchester, CA 90045
(310) 568-8772
(310) 410-3946 Fax

Mike Bonin,
Chief of Staff
• Phone: (213) 473-7011

Mark-Antonio Grant,
Field Deputy - Venice and Marina Del Rey
• Phone: (310) 568-8772
Mark serves as the primary contact for residents, businesses, and community organizations in Venice and Marina Del Rey. His responsibilities include representing Bill at various community events and meetings and serving as a liaison for constituents to City Hall.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well clearly Bill doesn't follow promises VI, VIII at all, and his staff provide pretty dubious service to promises I,II, and IV as well.

Smilin Bill promised everything to everybody in order to get elected. Since then he has followed and instituted his own personal agenda that was kept well hidden in his campaign. For a property owner, Bill seems to have absolute comtempt for other property owners. Especially those who didn't donate to him. Transparancy? Yeah he's transparant all right, remember "pay for play"? Bill's brought it back.