Thursday, April 12, 2007

There is a $1,000,000 dollars available for Venice

How to spend it?

DeDe Audet President of the Venice Neighborhood Council told us that there is money available to spend in Venice.

Send DeDe your ideas how to spend this money.

Her eMail address:
VNC Information Hotline: (310) 606-2015

This money from the Venice Area Special Funds is only to be used within the Venice Community Plan Area. The portion of the City of Los Angeles bounded northwesterly by the common boundary of the City of Santa Monica and the City of Los Angeles, northeasterly by the center line of Walgrove Avenue, southeasterly and northeasterly by the City's boundary with the County's Marina Del Rey, southeasterly by the entrance channel of the Marina Del Rey and southwesterly by the last natural mean high tide line of the Pacific Ocean. (the "Venice Area")

The purposes of the Fund are to:

1. fund non-profit activities to provide affordable housing

2. provide $4,000 dollars to support the creation of a facility devoted to Native American history and culture to be built within a 5 miles radius of the site of the Project,

3. participate in the funding of equipment or vehicle acquisition administration or contracting of services for a beach shuttle program.

An ordinance adding to the Los Angeles Administrative Code new special funds for the receipt of funds derived from the Channel Gateway Project to be used in the Venice Area of the City of Los Angeles.

Section 1. Chapter 119 is hereby added to Division 5 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code, to be captioned and to read as follows:

Sec. 5.519. Creation and Administration of the Channel GatewayNenice Affordable Housing Off-Site and Community Involvement Trust Fund.
(a) There is hereby created and established within the Treasury of the City of Los Angeles a special fund to be known as the Channel GatewayNenice Affordable Housing Off-Site and Community Involvement Trust Fund (the "Fund") for the purposes of receiving and disbursing a $1,000,000 contribution from the first 512 condominium units sold at the Channel Gateway project, located at 4251 Lincoln Boulevard, Los Angeles, California (the"Project"), pursuant to the terms and conditions of City Plan Case No. 95-0282 and CDP No. 95-009.

The Fund shall be administered by the HousingDepartment.

(b) The money from the Fund shall only be expended within the Venice Community Plan Area, which for the purposes of this section, is defined as being that portion of the City of Los Angeles bounded northwesterly by the common boundary of the City of Santa Monica and the City of Los Angeles, northeasterly by the center line of Walgrove Avenue, southeasterly and northeasterly by the City's boundary with the County's Marina Del Rey, southeasterly by the entrance channel of the Marina Del Rey and southwesterly by the last natural mean high tide line of the Pacific Ocean (the "Venice Area").

The purposes of the Fund are to:
(1) fund non-profit activities to provide affordable housing,

(2) provide $40,000 to support the creation of a facility devoted to Native American history and culture to be built within a 5 miles radius of the site of the Project,

(3) participate in the funding of equipment or vehicle acquisition, administration or contracting of services for a beach shuttle program.

(c) Any gifts, contributions or other money received for the stated purposes of the Fund shall be placed in the Fund. All interest earnings accruing on money in the Fund shall become part of the Fund. Money in the Fund shall not revert to the Reserve Fund of the City.

(d) A Trust Fund Advisory Committee (the "Advisory Committee") shall be established by the Councilmember representing the Venice Area (the "Councilmember') to make recommendations to the Councilmember for expenditures from the Fund. No expenditure may be made from the Fund without the prior approval of the Councilmember.

Sec. 5.119.1. Creation and Administration of the Oxford TriangleNenice Neighborhood Protection andOff-Site Street Beautification Trust Fund,

(a) There is hereby created and established within the Treasury.of the City of Los Angeles a special fund to be known as the Oxford TriangleNenice Neighborhood Protection and Off Site Street Beautification Trust Fund (the "Fund") for the purposes of receiving and disbursing a $250,000 contribution from the first 512 condominium units sold at the Channel Gateway project, located at 4251 Lincoln Boulevard, Los Angeles, California (the "Project"), pursuant to the terms and conditions of City Plan Case No. 95-0282 and CDP No. 95-009.

The Fund shall be administered by the Department of Transportation.

(b) The money from the Fund shall only be expended within the Venice Community Plan Area, which for the purposes of this section, is defined as being that portion of the City of Los Angeles bounded bounded northwesterly by the common boundary of the City of santa Monica and the City of Los Angeles, northeasterly by the center line of Walgrove Avenue, southeasterly and northeasterly by the City's boundary with the County's Marina Del Rey, southeasterly by the entrance channel of tile Marina Del Rey and southwesterly by the last natural mean high tide line of the Pacific Ocean (the "Venice Area"). The Oxford Triangle is defined as the area bounded by Washington Boulevard on the north, Lincoln Boulevard on the east, and the Los Angeles City boundary on the southwest (the "Oxford Triangle Area").

Money in the Fund shall be used to:

(1) fund community improvements in the Oxford Triangle and other impacted neighborhoods in the Venice Area for offsite street beautification and lighting.

(2) participate in the funding of the installation and/or implementation of traffic mitigation measures to discourage regional neighborhood intrusion into the Oxford Triangle and other nearby neighborhoods.

(3) participate in the funding of landscaping and lighting improvement and sidewalk and alley repairs and improvements in the Oxford Triangle.

(c) Any gifts, contributions or other money received for the stated purposes of the Fund shall be placed in the Fund. All interest earnings accruing on money in the Fund shall become part of the Fund. Money in the Fund shall not revert to the Reserve Fund of the City.

(d) A Trust Fund Adviso~ Committee (the "Advisory Committee") shall be established by the Councilmember representing the Venice Area (the "Councilmember") to make recommendations to the Councilmember for expenditures from the Fund. No expenditure may be made from the Fund without the prior approval of the Councilmember.

Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause it to be published in a daily newspaper printed and published in the City of Los Angeles.

I hereby certify that the foregoingordinance was adopted by the Council of the City of Los Angeles at its meeting on May 17, 2000
Approved: June 1, 2000
by Mayor Richard Riordan

Approved as to form and legality
City Attorney
By City Attorney James K. Hahn

City Plan Case No.: 95-0282 (PP/CU)
Coast Development Permit 95-009 (CDP)
doc #9711

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