Thursday, March 15, 2007

Homeless or Vagrants?

One of the comments left on this subject:

"Well according to LAPD, the ACLU has made it legal to be drunk in public as it is classified as an illness and not a crime.

As well LAPD says screaming obsenities at the top of your lungs is now protected free speech, and the mobile home vagrants who have handicapped placards can park whereever they want for up to 72 hours even in no parking zones in front of schools all thanks to the ACLU.

Does anybody have a guess how much time officers spend dealing with vagrant druggies and alkies? I've heard it is 50 -70% of their time. No wonder there is no extra time for police to patrol problem areas and be pro-active on crime."

Here is a blogger from Westwood just a few miles east of Venice. The problems with homeless/mental illness is indeed city wide.

The blog is called Westwood CA Blight

A hard look at the dark side of Westwood.

Homeless is the term preferred by politically correct Liberals use to describe vagrants. Vagrancy can measured in the amount of tolerance the local elected officials are inclined to accept for this problem. In a concentrated area of the West L.A. there are differences that demonstrate acceptance or rejection of vagrancy.
Santa Monica invites vagrants to their city. One cannot visit the Third Street Promenade without getting accosted by panhandlers. The generosity of the Promenade’s patrons keep these vagrants close to their hosts.

Venice has a huge problem area with legions of vagrants stealing local supermarket shopping carts for use in the collection of recyclables from the area’s residential garbage cans. Of course when the shopping carts are returned filthy to the stores nobody cleans them before they placed into service for use by the stores customers. The result is disgusting.

Marina Del Rey to the South has no tolerance for vagrants. This area is patrolled by the L.A. County Sheriff’s department and unlike the LAPD, they simply arrest the vagrants breaking laws. If Marina Del Rey can drive out the Vagrants, so can Westwood!

Vagrants trespassing and or loitering on private property in Westwood need to move on or be arrested.

Got an opinion on the subject? Leave us a comment or eMail the Living in Venice Neighborhood Watch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well according to LAPD, the ACLU has made it legal to be drunk in public as it is classified as an illness and not a crime.

As well LAPD says screaming obsenities at the top of your lungs is now protected free speech, and the mobile home vagrants who have handicapped placards can park whereever they want for up to 72 hours even in no parking zones in front of schools all thanks to the ACLU.

Does anybody have a guess how many time officers spend dealing with vagrant druggies and alkies? I've heard it is 50 -70% of their time. No wonder there is no extra time for police to patrol problem areas and be pro-active on crime.