Tuesday, April 17, 2007

L.A.P.D. Senior Lead Officer Craig White is retiring!

You are invited to a party!

An East Venice Community Event

Come Celebrate Officer Craig White,

And his 32 years of service to our community
On the occasion of his retirement
with Live Music by
Jennifer Paskow, Aradhana and Annemarie Solo

When: Thursday, April 26

Where: Penmar Park Recreation Center on Lake St. Between Penmar & Walgrove

Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
7:45 Commemoration Ceremony with Mark Antonio-Grant

Bring: A snack, non-alcholic beverage or dessert to share

In lieu of gifts, donations can made to the Policemen’s Unity Tour,


Pease feel free to bring a card offering Officer White your best wishes and thanking him for his life commitment to making our community a better place to live

Organized by:

• Venice Rose/Lake Association
• Lincoln Place Tenants Association, a Non-Profit Organization, FEIN 95-4358744

For information email Linda at artandspirit@mac.com

What is the Police Unity Tour?

Police Unity Tour Cross Country Bicycle Ride Blog

“We Ride For Those Who Died”
Every year hundreds of law enforcement officers are killed in the line of duty. Nothing can ever replace them to their family and friends. The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial (NLEOM), in Washington, DC allows for their memories to live on and honors these men and women forever. The Police Unity Tour Incorporated was formed in 1997 by a group of law enforcement officers from New Jersey, who rode their bicycles from Florham Park, New Jersey to Washington, DC........
(read more click here)

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