Monday, April 16, 2007

Rest in Peace Dan Valenzuela

Photo of Dan (at left) receiving his Spirit of Venice Award in 2003 with Helen O'Neil, Tisha Bedrosian, Rick Feibusch, and the late Pearl White. Photo by Linda Lucks

I am sorry to have to report that Venice political fixture and our dear friend Dan Valenzuela passed away last night - Dan was one of the Venice "oldtimers" that we always went to for perspective when local issues came up - Carolyn and I used to meet him Monday mornings once a month for coffee and chat at the Rose Cafe as well as times between - he was a great help with many aspects during the formation of the Venice Neighborhood Council back in the Tisha Bedrosian "Team Venice" days. We, as well as the whole Venice scene will miss his sense of humor and sense of duty and love for this place we call home.

Condolences can be emailed to: <>

Sadly reporting,
Rick Feibusch
Carolyn Ward

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